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Seminar on BS 8500: 2023 - Lower-carbon multi-component cements

A joint meeting of the Institute of Concrete Technology and SCI Construction Materials Group

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7th February 2024




Society of Chemical Industry, 14/15 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PS

Chaired by:

Dr Nina Cardinal - Heidelberg Materials

UK concrete and cement manufacturing currently accounts for 7.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, equating to 1.5% of the country's total carbon emissions. The harmonised European cement standard EN 197-5, was published in January 2022 and allowed cements with up to 65 per cent of the Portland cement clinker to be substituted by two or more SCMs, so providing multi-component equivalents to the binary combinations that have become well established in the UK.

A new standard was published by BSI on 30th November 2023, entitled: BS 8500-1:2023 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206 - Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier and BS 8500-2:2023 Concrete. Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206 - Specification for constituent materials and concrete were published. This change to the standard increases the range of lower carbon concretes that can be specified.

This new standard introduces the use of lower carbon ternary (or multi-component) cements, CEM II/C-M and CEM VI, with use of limestone and calcined clay. These changes and some of their implications will be explored in a series of technical presentations, the afternoon concluding with a panel discussion by industry representatives.

Provisional Programme

12:00 Registration and lunch
13:15 Welcome - Raman Mangabhai, Chair Events, ICT & Construction Materials Group SCI
13:20 Introduction - Colin Nessfield, ICT President
13:25 Chair - Introduction Dr Nina Cardinal,
Heidelberg Materials
13:30 BS 8500:2023 Gareth Wake,
14:15 A model linking Compressive Strength and Porosity in a Ternary System: Metakaolin, Limestone, Cement Pascal Gonnon,
Omya (France)
14:45 Development of a new generation of calcined clays for BS8500 concretes: Update of the MPA-led project Professor M R Jones
University of Dundee
15.15 The Irish experience of using CEM II/A-LL and GGBS from 2006 to date Keith Goodwin,
Kilsaran (Ireland)
15.45 Questions
16.00 Tea/coffee
16:15 Panel discussion John Eustace, Aggregate Industries
Richard Kershaw, Cemex
Simon Chudley, Tarmac
Tony Wilson, Breedon